USA 300 Meter Relief and EPS Vector Map Package
This package includes 5 very large USA Relief texture maps at approx 300 meter resolution showing land relief sized at 14,400 x 7,720 pixels, giving a printed size of 96 x 48 inches at 150 dpi, or 48 x 24 at 300 dpi. Any of these 5 maps can be used with the Illustrator EPS vector map shown to build a composite USA map with geo-political features. The bottom layer of the Illustrator layers palette is used to place the artwork, and the transparency may be adjusted to screen down the background relief texture. Any Illustrator layer may be selected, edited for color and thickness or removed to build a map view to your specification.
Illustrator vector layers include coastlines, rivers, interstate & major roads, railroads, county, state and international borders, town locations, town names and state name text and latitude/longitude grids.
Illustrator vector layers include coastlines, rivers, interstate & major roads, railroads, county, state and international borders, town locations, town names and state name text and latitude/longitude grids.